RT @luisglezreyes: Si las renovables tienen una vida media de 15-30 años, dependen para su construcción de combustibles fósiles y estamos a…
Tema clave y con poco protagonismo en las convocatorias que he visto de transición energética...
Otro temita apenas importante que tendríamos que empezar a mirar
Sobre la dependencia que tienen los actuales sistemas de captación de energía renovable de los combustibles fósiles para su fabricación y mantenimiento 👇
RT @luisglezreyes: Si las renovables tienen una vida media de 15-30 años, dependen para su construcción de combustibles fósiles y estamos a…
RT @luisglezreyes: Si las renovables tienen una vida media de 15-30 años, dependen para su construcción de combustibles fósiles y estamos a…
RT @luisglezreyes: Si las renovables tienen una vida media de 15-30 años, dependen para su construcción de combustibles fósiles y estamos a…
RT @luisglezreyes: Si las renovables tienen una vida media de 15-30 años, dependen para su construcción de combustibles fósiles y estamos a…
RT @luisglezreyes: Si las renovables tienen una vida media de 15-30 años, dependen para su construcción de combustibles fósiles y estamos a…
RT @luisglezreyes: Si las renovables tienen una vida media de 15-30 años, dependen para su construcción de combustibles fósiles y estamos a…
RT @luisglezreyes: Si las renovables tienen una vida media de 15-30 años, dependen para su construcción de combustibles fósiles y estamos a…
RT @luisglezreyes: Si las renovables tienen una vida media de 15-30 años, dependen para su construcción de combustibles fósiles y estamos a…
RT @luisglezreyes: Si las renovables tienen una vida media de 15-30 años, dependen para su construcción de combustibles fósiles y estamos a…
RT @luisglezreyes: Si las renovables tienen una vida media de 15-30 años, dependen para su construcción de combustibles fósiles y estamos a…
RT @luisglezreyes: Si las renovables tienen una vida media de 15-30 años, dependen para su construcción de combustibles fósiles y estamos a…
Si las renovables tienen una vida media de 15-30 años, dependen para su construcción de combustibles fósiles y estamos atravesando la máxima disponibilidad de fósiles... ¿no tendríamos que diseñar otro tipo de renovables que sean realmente renovables? http
@HeckingSnake @WestyHaynes @dorfman_p "One ton of radioactive waste is produced for every ton of mined rare earth metals. Rare earth metal processing for wind turbines already generates as much radioactive waste as the nuclear industry" https://t.co/ifQvqi
@EnvAm @mzjacobson @EnvAm, please look at our recent paper that discusses in detail why so-called #RenewableEnergy is not renewable - and why society's entire paradigm about climate change + sustainability is off the mark. We offer up a new diagnosis and n
Why we must doggedly pursue the seemingly impossible: “history is replete with stellar achievements that have arisen only from a dogged pursuit of the seemingly impossible…”
RT @real_gnd: @ClimateHuman Our organization is devoted to combatting this mainstream misconception. We examine at length the fallacy of th…
@ClimateHuman Our organization is devoted to combatting this mainstream misconception. We examine at length the fallacy of the climate and techno-centered mindset in this Through the Eye of a Needle paper https://t.co/FERfDsI2W9
@bukster1965 @TheTooTrueTruth Read this, do some further research, put it all together : https://t.co/s84gQpujkv
RT @jm_mallarach: fins a una relació homeostàtica amb l'ecosfera,en només dues dècades. Però la història palesa que quasi tots els assolime…
RT @jm_mallarach: fins a una relació homeostàtica amb l'ecosfera,en només dues dècades. Però la història palesa que quasi tots els assolime…
RT @jm_mallarach: fins a una relació homeostàtica amb l'ecosfera,en només dues dècades. Però la història palesa que quasi tots els assolime…
RT @jm_mallarach: fins a una relació homeostàtica amb l'ecosfera,en només dues dècades. Però la història palesa que quasi tots els assolime…
fins a una relació homeostàtica amb l'ecosfera,en només dues dècades. Però la història palesa que quasi tots els assoliments importants han sorgit de la cerca tenaç d'allò que semblava aparentment impossible. Contemplar la alternativa és impensable" ▶️http
@McAffee @kristinemattis @MichaelEMann Biomass is one of the only forms of renewable energy (just not industrial level) "Truly renewable energy sources will be largely based on biomass (especially wood), simple mechanical wind and water generation, passive
@Bonmatweet @denisfmendez @Evazsou1 Ref.: https://t.co/nQyciJlJMH ...Un bo repaso a moitos mitos en torno á chamada #TransiciónEnerxética Telo traducido ao castelán en https://t.co/9rO4VCYd9p
RT @ColapsarMejor: Solo un detalle, la construcción de paneles solares exige temp. de 1.480-1.980ºC y los molinos eólicos de 980-1.700ºC (p…
@dialecsost No cal emprar etiquetes com "apocalíptics" o "tecno-utòpics", sinó raonar de manera exhaustiva i realista. La situació és molt complicada, no? Aquest article potser us interessa: https://t.co/kOJnWMfXj8
Would love feedback/comment on this article @GeorgeMonbiot @PaulEDawson @InsulateLove @XRebellionUK https://t.co/7o1az4KeYk
@scarceresources @EliotJacobson Have you read Through the Eye of a Needle? https://t.co/xbg1v6c0ow
@wblau @NJHagens Amazing, super readable and free - thanks Nate, a real service! But still a book - as shortcut, e.g. @ecofootnotes 2021: https://t.co/HgLgrJK30V It seems like there's a sort of code developing. As soon as we think of renewables as 'rebuild
Sobering sanity check on the reality that energy transition is simply unable to sustain current demand: https://t.co/CAeKSTfwM8 including this paragraph on the futility of the Lithium battery as a scaleable storage solution: https://t.co/wQK1gGf47f
RT @fardos: It would be nice to use sunlight but climate scientists have also a moral duty to highlight the physical limits of the "renewa…
“Though it hardly seems worth stating, a universal one-child policy applied globally is not discriminatory.” As if cementing in current genocide for all time isn’t the most wildly white supremacist concept possible short of finishing the genocides. "hard
RT @julian0liver: There's a rapidly growing body of material, arguably evidence, to back this thinking. This would be my #1 read. While I h…
“Though it hardly seems worth stating, a universal one-child policy applied globally is not discriminatory.” As if cementing in current genocide for all time isn’t the most wildly white supremacist concept possible short of finishing the genocides. https:
RT @julian0liver: There's a rapidly growing body of material, arguably evidence, to back this thinking. This would be my #1 read. While I h…
Retweeting this to read later
RT @MaxWilbert: The same is true of #lithium batteries & #ElectricVehicles. More info: - https://t.co/JbZt7M8SzQ - https://t.co/rGSsPMFJP…
RT @julian0liver: There's a rapidly growing body of material, arguably evidence, to back this thinking. This would be my #1 read. While I h…
There's a rapidly growing body of material, arguably evidence, to back this thinking. This would be my #1 read. While I have several issues with it, it's unrelenting analysis of the coal, mineral & environmental costs of transition is essential reading
James G Anderson, Harvard scientist, told it as it is to hit steady state earth and avoid hothouse one fossil fuel burning must stop now. Sustainable, viable #cleanenergy with social justice at its core is the necessary way. https://t.co/5OGzwv9o6C https
#history “is replete with stellar achievements that have arisen only from a dogged pursuit of the seemingly impossible” #overshoot #Sustainability #energy https://t.co/Eil9fj8n51
@chris_pyak @PopnMatters @ClimateBen @Fridays4future @GeorgeMonbiot Good question. “...the pat notion of 'affordable clean energy' views the world through a narrow keyhole that is blind to innumerable economic, ecological, and social costs.” https://t.co/z
Batteries have a life span of 5 to 15 years, creating waste management problems. They cannot be disposed of in landfills due to their toxicity and are one of the fastest-growing contributors to e-waste streams. Only 5% of all li batteries are recycled. ht
Reminds me of arguments made here: https://t.co/QIinH4gIzb https://t.co/wlf1qHIS84
@Tepper_Jonathan I have not read their books, but they are probably summaries of how corporations and people use "green" solutions and faulty "science" to exploit for profit. Read this paper--it is pretty short, easy to read and lays out the reality of th
This is the truth that we need to accept so that we can start building a new future.
RT @Mishiya33: @chud13 @Philly852 https://t.co/s84gQpujkv essential reading. Horse and buggy, and a bullock for ploughing will be all the r…
@chud13 @Philly852 https://t.co/s84gQpujkv essential reading. Horse and buggy, and a bullock for ploughing will be all the rage in a few decades.
@heedmywords1 This is a good article that puts the problem a bit more usefully - what to do about it. We won't, we can't, it'll get increasingly bloody, but banging on isn't going to do much except make people deaf. https://t.co/AXNaV2eokr
@simonahac @dazza50 I'd love to feel warm and comfortable about this. But Dr Forrest knows it's another half-cocked solution that'll make money on the way to hell whilst being less indefensible than coal/gas. Still, go out in style. https://t.co/AXNaV2e
@PGDynes Furthermore that the "renewables" are "rebuildables" in that they lose functionality after several decades and need replaced by extractivists mining & industrial systems that cannot decouple from Fossil Fuels. Earnest DEGROWTH now. Please🙏🏾 ht
This offers excellent technical details on the limits of electrification as well as the eco/social issues surrounding renewable energy https://t.co/X1Xm5Oup4g #mdpienergies via @energies_mdpi
"To achieve sustainability and salvage civilization, society must embark on a planned, cooperative descent from an extreme state of overshoot in just a decade or two." https://t.co/X1Xm5Oup4g #mdpienergies via @energies_mdpi
@Cyclify @NukeForClimate @TheAusInstitute @pollyjhemming https://t.co/HXb6cpAMss long read but interesting
very nice. Intuitive explanation of a feedback between carbon pricing and renewables (a.k.a. 'rebuildables'). see also William Rees @ecofootnotes https://t.co/HgLgrJK30V
@joedisco77 @RogerHallamCS21 For example, the intensity of heat to produce most renewables can only be produced by fossil fuels and through mass extraction i.e. more overshoot https://t.co/8NB8qCrk8p
@Philly852 This enterprise is waning. Within our lifetimes, it will cease altogether. Fear not. https://t.co/s84gQpujkv
@JEverettLearned This peer reviewed paper provided a comprehensive overview https://t.co/8NB8qCIUZX
@ClimateHuman Renewable energy is a misnomer. What is needed is no production not "renewables" production. https://t.co/utX9tdokb9
RT @BarnardPhoebe: So what kind of "wiser, kinder #civilization" (invoked in the #ScientistsWarningIntoAction paper just released) can we a…
Essential reading for a summary of our planetary predicament, and why degrowth is the answer!
So what kind of "wiser, kinder #civilization" (invoked in the #ScientistsWarningIntoAction paper just released) can we achieve, and how will we get there from here? Megan and Bill @real_gnd @ecofootnotes have some clear-eyed, challenging perspectives. Let'
@tjk_mla @blackintheempir @ProtectThPass And here's more food for thought: https://t.co/69IOGVwKY5
Everyone, especially journalists, mindlessly repeating the "net zero" "clean energy" propaganda of #COP26 should read this paper by A Dunlap: https://t.co/GdSEDlsHHq and this paper by M Seibert and W Rees: https://t.co/JRzXYVH4Ha #. .
one of the best critical exposés on the illusion of maintaining our current lifestyle post petroleum. Energies | Free Full-Text | Through the Eye of a Needle: An Eco-Heterodox Perspective on the Renewable Energy Transition https://t.co/n77dAECDwY
RT @landrights4all: "We argue that while the GND narrative is highly seductive, it is little more than a disastrous shared illusion" https:…
@HeeksTom @HareDurer @liberalluddite @Peston You misunderstand me. I explain like you're five. I know fossil fuels are wrecking the planet. The price to be paid to get off of fossil fuels is steep, dramatic and you aren't willing to pay it. https://t.c
@liberalluddite @HareDurer @Peston What I mean is the Green New Deal story-tellers. Its a story told by people deeply wedded to the system. You can read the scientific literature for yourself - it's terrifying. https://t.co/bah2G59iT6
@ShahidForChange There are A LOT of things climate-related organizations/movements ignore. Ending militarism is just part of the equation, albeit an important one. Here's an example of an expanded analysis: https://t.co/FERfDsZDNH
RT @Mishiya33: @PeterDClack @tan123 It is a last-ditch hope to salvage civilisation from the coming FF energy system collapse. Nothing can…
@WilliamAHuston thoughts after reading https://t.co/s84gQpujkv?
@PeterDClack @tan123 It is a last-ditch hope to salvage civilisation from the coming FF energy system collapse. Nothing can stop it; but it can be ameliorated to a degree. Find a chair you're sure not to fall from, and read this document : https://t.co/s84
@Rosewood_Farm @TheMushyPea @benpattinson1 Indeed, but we also urgently need to shift the trajectory we're on. I've just been reading this study: https://t.co/OZm6WCLoX3 https://t.co/USWpam0Fs1
La transición energética implica decrecimiento material en la producción y uso de la energía. No existe tecnología "verde" para producir energía más allá de la fotosíntesis o la alimentación. Necesitamos economías fotosintéticas que generen su propia energ
@WilliamAHuston Read this. Find a good chair, that you're sure not to fall off. Also, get a stiff drink. https://t.co/s84gQpujkv
A paper arguing that most renewable energy technologies are not really renewable & that we need to bring human population down to 1 billion, through a global one-child 'fertility standard' - to enable 'one earth living'. https://t.co/OZm6WCLoX3 https:
Supporting sources for these facts come from Ecological Footprint Analysis e.g. https://t.co/8VuaHJOxWV A recent, and most useful article is Siebert and Rees (2021) https://t.co/8NB8qCIUZX Click #justcollapsejustthefacts for the facts.
@PaulEDawson 1/ Have you read this newly released paper on some of the issues concerning renewable energy transition: https://t.co/EcIIfTOJhr
@MontroseSkye @gobeavsosu @WEnermine @ProtectThPass Perhaps this will help, then: https://t.co/JRzXYVH4Ha
https://t.co/NfzY0QCePb I want to discuss ecological overshoot here, specifically for anyone calling themselves an anti-capitalist or communist of any kind. I strongly recommend reading all of this first should you decide to engage:
@MichaelEMann @real_gnd @GretaThunberg @PaulREhrlich @RogerHallamCS21 @GeorgeMonbiot The paper we shared 'highlights numerous collectively fatal problems with so-called renewable energy technologies, and suggests alternative solutions that entail a contrac
@xr_cambridge @Herbsimmens @PGDynes Please read this. Planet of the Humans is dated & lacks rigour. This has great maths and coalesces peer reviewed science. https://t.co/YgZcvjhN5P
It would be nice to use sunlight but climate scientists have also a moral duty to highlight the physical limits of the "renewable"/"green" energy discourse when they communicate a message of hope like this. we deserve to know. https://t.co/1luMfbWtgP http